Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
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Nissa & Lee . Lee & Nissa

What a great place. So beautiful... the Deering Estate at almost the southern end of my favorite long and winding road in Miami, Old Cutler.

What made it even more endearing was the wedding of my dear, dear friend and quasi brother Lee with the wonderful Nissa. Seriously, as this is a personal note. This was as moving as it gets, as beautiful as it gets. If anyone is seeing a wedding in Miami in their future, don´t miss a tour of the Deering Estate when choosing a site.
The ceremony was out of this world touching. This will be a happy marriage my new friend and I can see.
As happy as the one lived by example of the most amazing family I have ever encountered, Lee´s parents, Faith & David.
Gotta love this photo of Faith sprinting over the lawn with the forgotten cups for the blessings. Look at that smile while running. A happy mother´s smile.
And my dancing star. Nissa´s 93 year old grandpa...
More weddings like these, please!



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