Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
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Art Miami 2006

Very nice. Art Miami, the very little sister to Art Basel caught the wave and swam to shore. Everybody was giving me the same comment about this years edition of Art Miami: "Nice show, go see it".
Well I went and had the camera with me.
See it by clicking here or any of the photos.
And this on top of the e-mail I got a couple of days from my New York friend, who always looks (looked?) down on Miami... >> Tomas!!>> Did you see the new york times today? Terence Riley is leaving the MOMA >> which I knew, but I didn't know he was going to Miami to run the >> about to expand Miami Art Museum. I can't believe that! Now, people will really believe that Miami is where it's at. >> Congrats on getting him.

You have to see the gallery from Mongolia (#641). It is so nice to have a gallerist from Mongolia trek all the way to Miami... It took them three days to come over and the art works took a month... On the other hand, Ullanbaatar in January vs. Miami in January?


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