Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
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Bernard-Henri Levy @ Books & Books

"God is dead but my hair is perfect". BHL is a brand by himself in France. The overcrowded Books & Books audience showed that he is a power in America too. Never seen a writer read a book about ideas (let's not forget BHL's occupational title is philosopher) with such a force. Certainly the french accent in his flawless english helps. And let me get started about his ideas.
He's the anti-anti-american. An observer of America (which this book is about) with brillant wit to see the contradictions and also see the power of this country and express them in the most ambitious way. A unique opportunity to experience greatness.
Flirting with mightily smiling blondes obviously is a sideline of his personality, french to the core.
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