Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
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from Pantea: Iran, I'm Crying with you

Taking a break from nice photos and in support of the endlessly courageous Iranian people who are longing and fighting for freedom here are thoughts by my dear friend Pantea, the graceful one on the lower right.
Pantea's Note: all my life as a child i was trying to find a way to run away from Iran. from the madness ! schools were terrible, everyday i had problem in school, the clash of islamic education system and extremely open minded families. inside the house was always beautiful, full of people, food... outside we covered, were always in stage of fear, the streets were dark and the people depressed and tired. In school we had to study religion and Quran and pray, inside the houses everyone drank, partied, played cards, danced ... Outside there were no bars, we would go to coffeeshop scared of Basij at all times, inside the house we had satelites, faster internet than i have here...We had the most modern life in a country that was governed by cows. but we didn't care. we were so far from politics or religion that now i feel like if we had a leader, if we had known a little better it wouldve been easier and i wouldn't been here going crazy worried not knowing anything about anything....I started traveling from one city to another, anywhere they let me in i'd be there. trying to find a home, somewhere safe that i could be free. somewhere that the government wouldn't jump the walls coming inside your houses and take you to jail because of being in a party !!! or your father would be in danger at all times just because he was a businessman or .... i can't tell you enough but life was amazing. we had huge housed, cars, very stylish culture, very educated people...... i always dreamt of living somewhere that i could have a bike and a little dog and be free. that was my biggest dream. it took me 10 years to come to America. As an Iranian people always looked at me as a ..... they had this weird expression of Iranian people being like Basiji's and i gave up trying to tell them that no i'm not Arab, no i'm not a terrorist, no i'm just a girl who's in search of the truth and in search of her own destiny !!!I have the most amazing parents in Life. yes we did have an extremely hard life yet we loved one another, we loved each other to death without even talking to one another. This is what ive been seeing the last week i feel this energy that i'm totally connected to the whole world !!! there is this passion inside our blood as we come together !!! as we become ONE ! if you know me you know i always say that we are one, connected yet so far from one another.i totally feel i'm ONE. ONE UNITED IRAN !!! beautiful, young, talented, brave, generation born on the revolution !!! it's true that what's happening is nothing less than a revolution within a revolution. now that i'm here totally safe in America my biggest dream in life was to be BE HOME !!! TO FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY TOOK FROM ME FOR 30 YEARS, THE FREEDOM TO CHOSE MY DESTINY, the Love of my life. Still remembering how they bruised my soul but i want to be there to just tell them that yes i've been wandering in the world but hey i'm home and this is where i wanna be. i feel useless, frustrated yet amazingly hopeful !!! i've been imagining this day. WE'VE BEEN GROWING UP WITH THIS DREAM. WE'VE ALL TALKED ABOUT IT and ...i feel this is the example of Synergy. Unity. i think we are changing History of this world !!! we empty hands yet united. we don't need nothing but one another.i think we gave sense to twitter, facebook, news, and the meaning of FREEDOM. the walls are getting smaller and smaller, i feel like i can't breath any more, the more i hear, the more death i see , i don't have any tear to shed !!! Tomorrow we are silently walking mourning the lives we've lost !!! watching a teenage girl bleeding to death in the middle of the street. what a hero, did she know before leaving the house? in the arms of her father !!! oh God not a second in my life i stop thinking about my father... even if we don't talk every day which we almost do !!!Rest in Peace my brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the path of freedom for all of us. i from all my heart thank you for standing up for us. thank you people tell me that they will never take their freedom for granted. half of the people i met in life didn't even know what is freedom !!! i think as iranians we were free. we had excitement in our lives, we TRUSTED ONE ANOTHER NO MATTER WHAT, we had one another. even in those madness we managed to be free, laugh, be together, hang out and have fun. what a grand people !! walking in the streets in silence fighting a regime of nuclear power....what is going on !!! are we really in 2009 !!! are we really what we say we are ??? people of peace !!! everyone teaches you how to breath and how to live !!! do they really feel what they say !!! i just know that I AM PROUD OF BEING IRANIAN . I've always been but tonight my HEART is also Iranian I CRY WHEN THE SPACE SHUTTLE TAKE OF, IT REMINDS ME HOW FAR HUMANITY HAS COME. I CRY FOR TEHRAN CAUSE IT REMINDS ME HOW FAR WE HAVE TO GOIRAN, BROTHER, SISTER, WE ARE ONEPantea Love Sunday 21 June 09, Fathers Day, Yoko Uno/John Lennon Anniversary

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