Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
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GenArt Ignite!

We are used to it. And will never get used to it. GenArt mounts events which are a pleasure to attend. Not only because of the staged show, including filming a movie scene, with people waiting all night long to get their shot at pseudo-stardom.
Not only because of the silent performance in the upstairs lounge of these angelic faces. Not only because of the jolt of energy from the punk band playing after that. (More punk bands, please. Miami needs more punk bands, even if this one was pretty well dressed). Not only because of some good short films always playing to a packed room and almost well projected with almost understandable sound.
GenArt Ignite! was an artistic, hedonistic, hang-out-istic, perfect-miami-evening-istic extravaganza. More of those. Or maybe not. It would be too easy to get used to them.


P.S. Would someone stop wasting resources on goodie bags which contain: a small bottle of Fiji Water, New Times' childish key-chain light (but, hey, kids will indeed love it), a SoBeWineAndFooidFestival rubber band - all in a far too BIG bag which mocks any good intentions of preserving the environment most of the attendees would say they have.
PP.SS. For photo gallery click on the photos or... here.
Another photo gallery from GenArt's Fashion event last year at the Surfcomber is here.

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