Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
click to Preview Book


Tibet Fundraiser @ Grass

... click on the images above to see the 2007 Samsara! Party... click on the images below 2 c the 2006 Fundraiser @ Astor Hotel



India . Mumbai/Bombay

Almost one thousand photos distributed in three galleries. My usual way of seeing things... "its is like being there". Feel free to visit Bombay thru my eyes... (click on the photos to see full the galleries).
Gallery 1:

Gallery 2:

Gallery 3:

and then there was the "Sofia" - an independent (not "bollywood") feature film - shoot, four different galleries ...
"Sofia" Gallery 1:

"Sofia" Gallery 2:

"Sofia" Gallery 3:

and "Sofia" Gallery 4:

Labels: , ,


India . Goa

almost forgot to put this one online. enjoy. and also see the ones from Bombay / Mumbai...
