Burning Man
Burning Man
Visual Art & Photos
Tomáš Loewy
click to Preview Book


Vizcaya Halloween

click any image 2 c all pics.

or here to lean back & view a slide show.

or another online presentation form:

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Buenos Aires . Impressions

i hadn't been there for 20 years, left when i was not even 15. An amazing city with all the lust for life of the world collected, and all the issues that come with being... Argentina. click on any image to see full gallery (#1, there are more below).

Just some impressions in several photo galleries.

as there are too many photos the slide show is only a small excerpt, but you might still enjoy it.


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Buenos Aires . Gallery Evening

click on any image to see full photo gallery.

more Buenos Aires images coming soon. for now click to see the slide show.



Buenos Aires . more Impressions

click on any image 2 c full gallery. and see other galleries above...



Fast Company's Masters of Design @ Wolfsonian

click on any image to see full gallery


... there are two more ways to view this event:


slideshow and video installation. to view this presentation full screen you must click on the lower right controls... also, when you click into the presentation at any moment you will see that image full screen, another click brings it back to the psychedelic version... you'll understand... just do...



Circa 28 . Jeff & Hemley Birthday

one way of seeing it: conventional gallery.

another one: slideshow. click on the next two images.

and now there is a third one: a kaleidoscope. to view presentation full screen you must click on the lower right controls... also, when you click into the presentation at any moment you will see that image full screen, another click brings it back to the psychedelic version... you'll understand... just do...


Educate Tomorrow Gala @ Fairchild

click any image to see full gallery



Wynwood Art Walk October 2007

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Burning Man . Experimental Showcase . Kaleidoscope

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Loewy Art @ Sixx Ultra Lounge
